Sunday, October 26, 2014

My Grandma's Closet: Part 2

Hey guys I'm still here! Sorry for the long break between posts, a couple of weeks ago I went to New York with my family! It was an amazing experience, and then I spent last week trying to catch up with school, and work so things have been crazy! 
I'm so excited for this next installment of the My Grandma's Closet series! 
These pictures feature her Solito club sweater from High School. What's the Solito club you may ask? 
It was an all girls club that my grandma was a member of in the 50's. She told me that each year they would add about 10 new members. "It was more of a social club really." she said. The Solito club would get together each month and meet at each other's houses. My grandma also told me that the girls would wear their sweaters over their skirts and sweaters (like the outfit in my last post) and wear them to school.  I wasn't able to find a date anywhere for how long this club was around but my grandma told me she thought it went for about 20 years after she graduated.
I don't know about you guys, but I love learning about my grandparents lives. If you've never asked your grandparents about their lives when they were younger, I highly recommend it.  I guarantee you will learn so much plus it's so much fun!

These patches have initials on one side, and graduation year on the other.

Seriously how cute is this sweater? Vintage is where it's at. 

Thursday, October 2, 2014

My Grandma's Closet: Part 1

I am happy to say that this outfit minus the shoes is truly vintage! This sweater and skirt combo belonged to my Grandma when she was in high school in the mid 1950's. 
I asked her if I could borrow one of her old sweaters and she let me borrow some of her old outfits! I was nervous that they wouldn't fit me, but when I tried them on they fit perfectly! Like Grandma like granddaughter I guess. ;)
I don't think I can adequately describe to you how happy playing dress up in vintage clothes makes me. I felt like I had stepped back into a time when things were simpler and style's were classy. Or at least that's how I like to imagine it.

I don't know what part of this outfit I love more, the Jantzen sweater that is the perfect shade of green, or the houndstooth pleated pencil skirt? All I know is that this outfit is perfect and I wish I could wear it on a daily basis. 

Stay tuned for more outfits from my Grandma's closet as well as some of the history behind these clothes, and the 1950's!
Thanks for reading!

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